Chelated Copper Gel and Syrup

Chelated Copper Gel greatly enhances the absorption of the copper across the gut wall into the horses’ body. It is in a convenient syringe form for easy feeding to horses in the field, in transit, and also to shy feeders, or horses in recuperation.

Instructions for proper use:

  • Oral supplement for adult horses: Add the contents of one 35g applicator to the normal feedstuff, or feed directly to the horse, every 7-14 days, or as directed by your nutritionist or veterinary surgeon.
  • Oral supplement for foals and yearlings: Add the contents of half a 35g applicator to the normal feedstuff, or feed directly to the horse, every 7-14 days, or as directed by your nutritionist or veterinary surgeon.

Chelated Copper Syrup was formulated to provide horses with an easily absorbed form of copper. Copper is essential for the formation and maintenance of all connective tissues and skeletal mineralisation.

TRM’s Chelated Copper is an amino acid chelated copper.

Instructions for proper use:

  • Adult Horses: Feed 25ml per day.
  • Foals and Yearlings: Feed 15ml per day.
What is the difference between Chelated Copper and inorganic copper?

Inorganic copper is copper that has been taken from the earth by mining. Examples of inorganic copper products are copper sulphates and copper carbonates. They may be inexpensive but they are no good! TRM”s Chelated Copper is an organic copper. This is the only way to orally supplement copper in horses and other animals. Chelated copper is an organic compound with metallic content, where the metal ion (Cu ) in the compound is surrounded by and bonded to organic matter. This organic matter is amino acids. Copper must be in a neutral & stable form to be absorbed.

Inhibitory Factors to Copper Uptake
  • pH of soil – too acidic or too alkaline
  • Excess Zinc
  • Excess Phosphate ( Fertiliser pollutant)
  • Excess Vitamin C
  • Leaching in the Soil
  • Moisture content in the soil
  • Maturity and/or species of plants grown
Disorders resulting from Copper Deficiency
  • Blood – Anaemia is notorious in animals. Copper is needed as an enzymatic component for RBC formation.
  • Blood Vessels – Copper deficiencies can lead to ruptures in either the aorta or the main uterine artery especially in aged mares after foaling.
  • Bone – Bone abnormalities characterise almost all copper deficient animals particularly young stock. Metabolic Bone Disesase or the preferred term DOD (Developmental Orthopaedic Disease) is now accepted as one of the predisposing factors in this disease. Deficiencies of the copper enzyme lysl oxidase result in poor collagen and bone formation. DOD diseases include:
  1. Epiphysitis
  2. Angular Limb Deformities
  3. Wobblers
  4. Defective Cartilage
  5. Osteochondrosis
  • Nerve Cells – Demyelination characterises copper deficiency.
  • Hair & Coat – Dullness and roughness in hair and coat.
  • Enzyme changes – Copper is essential for life. This is because copper is needed for at least 12 known metalloenzymes.